Monday, December 08, 2008


I have now accepted that I am not a 'blogging' person. Mainly because I always forget to update it. In the same why that I am not a Facebook person, or Twitter person - despite having accounts!

So with this realisation, I am not going to worry (not that I was already) about keeping things updated. So should you stumble upon this sadly neglected blog, I hope you understand that this will be very infrequently - if ever - updated.

So for what will probably be the last update in a long long time:

Sadly Queen Elizabeth the 2nd died a few weeks ago, (that is Charlie's hamster: Queenie). It was a relief at the end when she finally died as she was so frail, poor thing.

I have been knitting the 'Evil' jumper for a while and it is nearing completion. I say evil, because it is covered in cables, bobbles and 2 by 2 rib and so therefore is evil to knit and has required much much frogging! However, Charlie is getting quite excited about being able to wear it soon, especially as there is only 11cm of 2 by 2 rib left! (Not counting the seaming etc.)

The Somewhat Cowl has been languishing, mainly because it too has got to the 2 by 2 rib stage and so it driving me crazy! But as I want to wear it, I will have to bite the bullet and get on with it!

On WoW Lyrail is nearly 65, and I am trying to save for her flying mount (most unsuccessfully). I also have my new Death Knight Anisele who is grinding her mining and blacksmithing up ( and getting lots of lovely achievements whilst doing it!).

So that's it for the moment - a very brief synopsis of whats been going on, and probably the last post for quite some time!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Return of the Caterpillars......

They are back for the third year in a row. Charlie has been raising some Painted Lady Caterpillars. after a week and a half, they have just started to turn into chrysalises.
Hopefully in a weeks time we will have beautiful butterflies, ready to release into the wild!

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Hoorah! After much questing in Dustwallow Marsh, I dinged 40 last night. Now I have a pretty kitty cat!
Now if only completing my essay could be as satisfying..........

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wow! New Job...............

It has been a frantic couple of weeks. My head of department and second in department left at the end of term, I have been asked to teach the lesson some of the lessons that they have not been able to get a supply teacher for. So this term I will teaching 7 lesson a week, which is really exciting! I now have 2 weeks to plan all my lessons and sort out all my PowerPoint's etc.

On another exciting (and not entirly unrelated) matter, I have finally managed to save enough money to buy my laptop! So on Tuesday I went down to the shop (with lots of money in cash - that I had just withdrawn from the bank) and purchased a lovely Sony Vaio NR21M laptop - which I am happily typing on now!

I finished Leftovers, but am going to knit another one in black bamboo so that I have a variety to wear.

Lyrail has moved to Bloodhoof server so that she can join the Ravelry Guild when it is up and running. So Jo and I are going to quest together as we are now on the same server (when WoW has finished updating of course!)

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Horrendous Horrible Illness

Yuck! I have spent this week full of - what can only be described as - an evil virus. I not only got sent home from work on Tuesday, but subsequently spent three days sleeping on my sofa! No knitting! No WoW! More importantly no assignment writing!!
However, I am starting to feel better. I can breathe without gasping, stand without feeling faint and actually have some energy! Only the hacking cough remains.

Charlie has had a wonderful week, as I have been taking and collecting her from school (all be it while shuffling down the road looking like death itself!). She is currently sorting out what animal she would like to sponser from London Zoo this year. After much debate and research between the African Hunting Dog and the Golden Mantella Frog - the Hunting Dog was the winner!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Long Time No See

Wow it certainly has been a long time since I last posted, but as I am now on Ravelry it makes sense to at least try to have an up-to-date blog to link to my page!

I completely blame my new found obsession with WoW and knitting, not to mention trying to study for my OU degree, as justifiable reason for not blogging!

I am currently trying to finish my assignments in time for the 14th March. I have to write about why the VHS cassette tape was innovative and also my strategic review for project, which is on knitting (I thought I would at least combine some of my obsessions!).

On the knitting front, my Leftovers Top is going well. I only have 2" to go before I have to divide for the armholes. I am using Rowan Calmer, which I absolutely love!

Charlie is now in Year 2 and is busy getting ready for her 'Dress as a Book Character' on Friday for World Book Day. She is going in her Japanese Yukata that Grandpa brought her on his last trip to Japan.

I am also going to be posting my first ever swap parcel today. I have had so much fun putting together a parcel full of really fun quirky things for my swap partner. Including yarn made from banana skin! I can't wait to see what she thinks of it.

I will try and post more often.........

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Back to School

Charlie and I went back to school this week. Charlie is now in Yellow Class (mixed Yr1 and Yr2). She is sitting on Yellow table and her table has already earned 2 table points! The table with the most points get a prize. However the most exciting thing (in Charlie's opinion) is her 'Busy Book', which she can do her work in.

I am very busy at the moment compiling all the orders for this year. Despite all the preparation work I did last year, it still seems to be taking ages.

Blogger won't let me upload the photos from our holiday as the are too big - I had to scan them in as they were taken with a disposable camera.

Charlie birthday is rapidly approaching, party is already planned! She has also put together her birthday present list - in case anyone wants any ideas!